Sunday, April 21, 2024

FINALLY SPRING, WEEK 7: It was a dark and stormy morning, so my pictures are limited to what I could see from cover this morning. First are the two usuals, the pond and the fire pit.
In both you can see that the tree canopy is beginning to fill out, as evidenced (to us) by the green pollen that's everywhere here. The biggest obvious change is the amazing growth and blooming of the irises.
The iris garden is beginning to take shape. Two dead trees have been dispatched for future firewood and an (as yet incomplete) edging for the garden, which has one white super iris already blooming.
Along the fence line all the flowers are beginning to blossom, though the iris plantings have a clear head start. You can also see in the upper left that the trees are just now beginning to leaf out.
Finally our dogwood trees are blossoming, unfortunately not the ones nearest the house. If you close your eyes and squint real hard you can see a line of blossoms downslope abour 100 feet away.

Until next week.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Sunday, April 14, 2024

IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT that "don't is not a foreign policy."
SATIRE OR NOT? World in shock as murderous terrorist state ignores warning from impotent old man.

The Babylon Bee is truly becoming America's News of Record.
GOOD NEWS? Poll shows voter shift toward the GOP.
Pew poll results from 2023 reveal a significant shift in party affiliation this cycle, reporting that 49% of voters identify as Democrat or leaning Democrat, while 48% identify as Republican or leaning Republican.

Additionally, about 33% of respondents said they identify as being conservative or moderate in 2023, while the other side of the aisle only sees 23% identifying as liberal Democrats or leaning liberal.
It's not enough -- not nearly enough -- but it's a start.
SNOWFLAKE PROGRESSIVES, take note. You don't know just how good you've got it.

I'm beginning to lean toward anyone carrying a Palestinian flag being pilloried and the flag burned at his/her/it's feet.

Extreme? Yes, but after the anti-Israel protests we see daily, deserved.
FINALLY SPRING, WEEK 6: Finally we're beginning to get somewhere. Not much difference in the pond view this week,
but there are buds beginning to show in the upper reaches of the deciduous trees. I expect some green by next week if the warming trend continues.
The same changes are evident in the fire pit view. The taller reaches of the trees are a bit 'fuzzy' this week, indicating that they are beginning to wake.
Looking down the street, the trees are beginning to bud out (there goes my 100% Starlink connection, I fear).
I braved the elements (sunny skies, no wind) today and Tuxedo and I walked down to the pond. Here are two pictures (neither including Tux) taken from opposite ends of the pond.
Note in both that the deciduous trees are still mostly bare, the pines happily basking in what little sun gets down there.
And finally, the 'bent tree'. This picture was taken at Meeks Park in Blairsville this morning. I have no idea what must have happened to cause that shape, but the tree survived and is growing happily.

Until next week, then....

Saturday, April 13, 2024

DON SURBER: NPR personnel policies mug a white, straight male liberal. It's hilarious.
SIXTEEN CRIMINAL COUNTS AND $1M BAIL: Unhinged pro-Hamas woman finds out threatening city council members isn't a good idea.
I'M ALL FOR LIMITING ACCESS TO CALIFORNIA: Google to limit access to California news sites.

I QUIT YEARS AGO: The NPR-listening 'elite 1%'.

My son quit more recently after NPR went batshit crazy.
IOWAHAWK has a few thoughts on 'latine'.
UNREAL: As predicted, California has killed the rooftop solar market.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: DEI cronyism and woke grifters.

It's VDH; read it all.
ISRAEL IS RISKING LOSING THE WAR by caring what people who hate it think.

Don't. Do what's necessary to win.
WORDS STILL MATTER: What's with this 'partner' crap?

Friday, April 12, 2024

KURT SCHLICHTER: It's time to rethink your 'never Trumpism'.
BIDENOMICS UPDATE: That's gonna leave a mark.

I would only note that my number for groceries is consistent.

UPDATE: Powerline has much more.